How to use Feedsy to create campaigns

Campaigns are great ways to upsell or extend existing or dormant clients by promoting awareness about a service that you offer.

See also Campaign content tips

  1. These can be manually created as either:
    1. A story - created by you in FeedsyWeb
      1. How to do this 
      2. Can be included in monthly FeedsyMail.
      3. Shared on social media by you (or us via FeedsySocial).
      4. Included in a Campaign email.
    2. A campaign email (or even a journey or series of emails) - created by John in FeedsyMailHQ
      1. How to do this
      2. These can be :
        1. Just text (like a straight email from you to them)
        2. Include an image (with a link to something if you like)
        3. Include one or more stories (eg the story from above).
      3. These can be sent manually (as a batch) or automated (based on a trigger) to everyone (or just a segment).

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